Great photos were sent in and all were published on the Australian Miniature Hereford Breeders Network website in their respective classes. The effort made to present the cattle as well as possible showed and this led to interesting discussions regarding the similarities or differences of same age animals.
Senior Bull from New Zealand Senior Bull from Australia
Two Judges from New Zealand and two from Australia had the task of making choices along with the Viewers' Choice poll which was an effective way of selecting place getters. Although no prizes were available for this first internet show it is hoped to find sponsors in the countries to which competitors belong who will provide some form of awards next year. The complete list of this year's place getters will be seen on the AMHBN website at .
The Scenic class had some beautiful photos which showed the type of country some of the Miniature Herefords are in. For next year maybe photos at different times of the year will reinforce the claim that the Hereford breed is capable of surviving almost anywhere.
Photos in the Entertainment class evoked much laughter. The easy temperament of the Hereford was obvious here as the animals seemed quite unfazed with their situations. A great recommendation for owning this smaller version of the Hereford breed especially for lifestyle blocks and for encouraging youth participation in showing and breeding.
Go on - make my day! (NZ) In the (dog)box - Tasmania
Willingness of people on both sides of the Tasman and from further overseas to become involved with this new way of exhibiting their Miniature Herefords was a big help to the organisers and has shown others that anyone can take part. You don't need to be a professional photographer and many "on the spot" photos turn out to be one in a million. An advantage is being able to handle or get near your cattle, not just for showing purposes but also for their every day management.
Never too young - 3 year old handler Never too old - 16 year old Mum and calf
In the future, if numbers grow, it may be necessary to look at holding a series of Virtual Shows leading up to the one major show. That could be in the form of Regional Shows with the place getters going forward to a National Show and likewise the place getters from that taking part in an International Show. Each country could be responsible for holding their own Virtual Shows but would be assisted in setting them up. The International Show could then be run by a panel of representatives drawn from the different countries. Anyone connected with Miniature Herefords will be able to take part regardless of whether or not they are affiliated to an association providing their entries meet the established criteria.
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